Ace Your Midterms
Pt.3: Study Pointers for Idealists
By The College Advisor
There's a wide variety of abilities in Idealists. They do best when they are in
majors that fit their interests. They may need extra effort to study for midterms in
fields where they feel uncomfortable.
To fulfill a liberal arts requirement, Elizabeth, an Idealist Teacher, decided
to take an art appreciation course which conveniently fit with her schedule. She found
the course quite difficult and sought advice on how to study. Teachers study more
effectively when they have both social and quiet time. When they talk about the material
with friends, the material takes on greater meaning. Studying alone allows for deep
introspection. Both are needed by Teacher students. Before a test Teacher students
need to take time to review their notes and mark items which are more likely to be on
the test. They need to pay particular attention to the definition of key words or
phrases. Teacher students can be too global and lack specifics. Knowing key definitions
and being able to cite examples helps them have a thorough understanding of the concepts.
Stephen, a Counselor, liked to write, but was having trouble in English
literature. His instructor wanted a great deal of details in his essays, and told Stephen
he was not specific enough. How could he improve? Counselors may have some problems with
memorization if the material they are being asked to memorize triggers original thinking.
When this happens, they need to spend more time with the material and to talk the material
out loud. They need to write down key points. Some use flash cards for definitions. For
languages or other material which they will need to explain orally, they need to practice
speaking the material to become proficient. Counselor students need to find a quiet place
to study. While they can learn to study when surrounded by sound, they generally are able
to concentrate better when their surroundings are quiet. Counselor students need periods
of uninterrupted concentration and are likely to "give up" if they are interrupted too
Eddie, a Champion, was having problems in required math class. He needed help.
Tips for Champions: Champion students do best when studying in groups. They remember
the material better when they talk about it with others. Even when they study quietly,
they want to have activity around them. Just having others in the room with them while
they study can help. They may choose to study with music or the TV playing. Trying to
sit still for too long does not work for them, so they should take breaks and move around.
Since they are so original in their thinking, memorization may not come easily. If they
both write and talk the material, they will find memorization easier. Whenever possible,
they should highlight their books to show key concepts and phrases. They need to learn
to be selective in using the highlighters and not mark too much. For math problems, they
need to both write and talk the solutions.
Pauline, who was quite creative, majored in art and minored in music. She was having
trouble with a required history course. She would read the material over and over, but
it just didn't seem to stick. She asked what else she could do. Healers need to
make the material their own through discussion or visualization, rather than just trying
to absorb it through reading. They usually want to study where they won't be interrupted.
Some Healer students want quiet while others want to listen to music. If a test is coming
up, it can help to repeat the material out loud. Healers do best when the material becomes
part of their own experience, not just something they tried to memorize. They can also
phone friends to joke around or debate about the material.
There is no perfect way to study that fits all types. This series of articles includes
midterm studying tips for